Friday, June 7, 2013


“To market, to market, to buy a fat pig…”

To tell the truth, I have never seen a pig at the Stratford Farmers Market,  but there is a vast array of goods to tantalize the palette.

As you arrive a visual bouquet of colour assails the eye.

Flowers ready for 
hanging or planting,

or fresh cut flowers to adorn your table.

Bright, cheery canopies shade 
fresh fruits and vegetables 
of all kinds and colours.

If you grow hungry, 
the Agricultural Society 
provides delicious 
bacon on a bun,

And to top it off there are fresh apple fritters or a fried Mars Bar!                                                        

A gathering place of citizens;
A chance to fill the larder with fresh food;
Saturday mornings, the Stratford Market is the place to be!

…and we haven’t even entered the building yet! That is for another entry. Keep posted.